Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"G2" Presidents on Clean Energy

Obama-Hu Jintao 両“プレジデント”による共同宣言(11/17@北京)の中で、clean energy及び気候変動の分野における両国の協力が謳われている。ホワイトハウスのwebサイトのほか、DoE(米国エネルギー省)のサイトGristの記事に詳しい。以下、Grist記事をベースにメモ。

1. Greenhouse gas inventory
2. Joint clean energy research center
clean energy技術に関する共同研究施設の設置について。もともと7月に発表されていたが、今回、より具体化。設置当初の焦点は、省エネでクリーンな石炭火力発電技術(CCS含む)とclean vehicleに置かれる予定。
3. Electric vehicles
4. Energy efficiency
5. Renewable energy
6. 21st century coal
CCS技術の開発、Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) plant技術の開発、etc.
7. Shale gas
アメリカの技術を用いた中国国内におけるshale gas採掘の開発。
8. Nuclear
9. Public-private partnerships on clean energy
U.S.-China Energy Cooperation Program (ECP) をベースにした民間ベースでの協力の促進。予定されるプロジェクトの実施分野は、“renewable energy, smart grid, clean transportation, green building, clean coal, combined heat and power, and energy efficiency.”

8日のエントリーで書いた“A Roadmap for U.S.-China Collaboration on Carbon Capture and Sequestration”(by Asia Society & Center for American Progress)の内容も色濃く反映されていると言える。この分野における米中の協力政策は、今後も、Asia Societyが引っ張っていくということなのだろう。

Regarding the upcoming Copenhagen Conference, both sides agree on the importance of actively furthering the full, effective and sustained implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in accordance with the Bali Action Plan. The United States and China, consistent with their national circumstances, resolve to take significant mitigation actions and recognize the important role that their countries play in promoting a sustainable outcome that will strengthen the world’s ability to combat climate change. The two sides resolve to stand behind these commitments.
In this context both sides believe that, while striving for final legal agreement, an agreed outcome at Copenhagen should, based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, include emission reduction targets of developed countries and nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing countries. The outcome should also substantially scale up financial assistance to developing countries, promote technology development, dissemination and transfer, pay particular attention to the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable to adapt to climate change, promote steps to preserve and enhance forests, and provide for full transparency with respect to the implementation of mitigation measures and provision of financial, technology, and capacity building support.
my room, Washington DC, Nov 17, 23:45

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