Monday, March 29, 2010

Climate Programs Evaluation by CBO

米CBO(Congressional Budget Office)が、連邦政府の気候変動関連プログラムに関するレポート“Federal Climate Change Programs: Funding History and Policy Issues”を発行したので、読んでみた。

全般的に、(経済学的に見れば)当たり前のことが述べられているだけなので――いや、それが彼らの仕事だから仕方ないんだが――、敢えて、ここで紹介したいと思える記述は、あんまり見当たらない。強いて言えば、Climate-Related Tax Preferences(気候変動関連租税特別措置)関連のくだりが比較的面白いかと。曰く;
Most analysts argue that the most direct way to reduce GHG emissions is to tax them or to otherwise increase their price—for example, by imposing a cap-and-trade mechanism. Increasing the cost of GHG emissions would encourage reductions in emissions through a variety of means but leave determination of the best method to the individual or business. Tax preferences, by contrast, usually favor ways of reducing emissions that are specified in legislation. For example, there is a tax credit to encourage people to reduce consumption of home heating oil by installing solar-powered heating units, but there is no similar incentive to turn down the thermostat or put on a sweater, even though doing so could reduce GHG emissions at lower cost than installing solar powered heating units.
my room, Syracuse, Mar 29, 23:49

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