When I was younger I was more idealistic, as I gained experience I became more realistic. But to be happy, successful and respected, one must not yield to either extreme.“Don't lose your idealism or desire to improve the environment, just temper it somewhat with a realism and sensibility.”(理想主義や、環境を良くしたいという情熱を失ってはならない。ただ、現実主義や感受性でもって、その情熱の程度を調整しなさい。) 当たり前のことを言ってるだけと言ってしまえばそれまでだが、その当たり前のことを実践していくのが大事。この一言、心に留めておこうと思う。
Japan and the world needs realistic environmental policy experts. If that's your inclination, I would go in that direction. But guard against excessive idealism and delusion by searching for and consulting realistic, objective experts and studies of the issues you face. Don't lose your idealism or desire to improve the environment, just temper it somewhat with a realism and sensibility. There are now easy options and nearly all public policy choices carry trade-offs and uncertainties that must be acknowledged and assessed. In Japan, I've been impressed with your IEEJ (Institute for Energy and Economics Japan). Here in the US, the Resources for the Future is an excellent think tank on energy and the environment.
my room, Washington DC, Dec 9, 21:33
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