Saturday, April 3, 2010

EU emissions plunge

このエントリでも紹介した、ロンドンに本拠を置くNGO“sandbag”が、昨日発表された、EU Emission Trading Scheme(EU-ETS)の最新取引状況について、分析記事をupしている。彼らの意見にすんなり同意できるわけではないが、cap-ant-tradeという制度について、political economy的な側面も含め、practicalに改めて議論し直す際の出発点としては参考になるかと。


New data released today reveals greenhouse gas emissions across the EU are in steep decline. Emissions covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme between 2008 and 2009 dropped by 11%, following on from a cut of 6% the year before.
Power generators saw their emissions fall by 119 tonnes (8%) last year but that still left them 124 tonnes short of permits. On the other hand heavy industry including steel and cement saw a fall of 96 million tonnes (18%) leaving them with 185 million tonnes of permits spare or 30% more than they needed.
At the moment, under the EU’s target of a 20% cut in emissions by 2020 this would mean a reduction in the cap of 1.74% a year. Today’s figures revealed that we are already half way to achieving that reduction level with a decade still to go.
unless caps are tightened there will be no overall reduction in pollution levels. Permits issued under the EU trading scheme can be banked forward indefinitely meaning they will sooner or later be used to pollute.
If they (=heavy industry) were to sell them at today’s prices this would raise €2.4 bn with most of this money would coming from consumers of electricity.
Given the cuts achieved to date, which can be banked, and the levels of reductions rich countries like the EU are now expected to deliver, it would seem tighter targets are the only sensible way forward.

my room, Syracuse, Apr 2, 26:43

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