Thursday, April 1, 2010

Obama’s new fuel-economy rules

こちらはおそらくApril Foolではないと思うのだが、米連邦政府による自動車の新排出規制が、本日、発出されたとの由。NYTなどが報じている。

The bottom line: New automobiles will have to get better gas mileage
The numbers:
  • Current standards: 27.5 miles per gallon for cars and 24 mpg for light trucks 
  • Starting in 2012, fuel efficiency will rise more than 5 percent each year 
  • New standards for 2016: 39 mpg for cars and 30 mpg for light trucks -- an overall average of about 35.5 mpg
The environmental benefits: 
  • Will save 1.8 billion barrels of oil over the life of the program
  • Will prevent 900 million metric tons of greenhouse-gas emissions
  • Will be like taking 177 million of today's cars off the road, or shutting down 194 coal-fired power plants
Fans of the plan:
  • The major automakers, because they now have certainty and one clear set of regulations to follow 
  • The major environmental groups, because the federal government is actually doing something to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions
  • California and 13 other states, because they have long wanted tougher auto emissions standards
日本とは異なり、アメリカの自動車燃費規制は、メーカーごとに、売ったクルマの平均値で判定されるシステム。先述のNYT記事によると、Nissan Leafのような電気自動車は、申告できる台数(つまり、平均値を出すときの分母の数)にリミットはあるものの、「排出ゼロ」としてカウントされる(will be classed as zero-emissions vehicles, although there is a cap on the number of all-electric vehicles that carmakers can claim credit for.)らしい。

Maxwell School, Syracuse, Apr 1, 17:04

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