全然話は変わりますが、かの有名戦略系コンサルティングファーム、マッキンゼーさまが、"Pathways to a Low-Carbon Economy"と題するレポートを発表したとのこと。左のリンク先から、全文とサマリーをダウンロードできます。今日は時間的に遅いのであれですが、また余裕のあるときに、サマリー版の方でも読んでみたいなと思っています。ちなみに、結論はこんな感じだそうです。
- The potential exists to reduce GHG emissions by just enough to stay on track until 2030 to contain global warming below 2 degrees Celsius.
- Opportunities can be grouped into three categories of technical measures: energy efficiency, low-carbon energy supply, and terrestrial carbon.
- Capturing all the potential will be a major challenge: it will require change on a massive scale, strong global cross-sectoral action and commitment, and a strong policy framework.
- While the costs and investments seem manageable at a global level, they are likely to be challenging for individual sectors.
- Delays in action of even 10 years would mean missing the 2 degrees Celsius target.
my home, Syracuse, Jan 29, 25:30
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