Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Detail of the Green Stimulus

先月28日に下院を通ったいわゆる景気刺激法案(正式名称:American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009)。なんとなく気が向いたので、エネルギー・環境関連部分について、ちょっと詳しく調べてみました。(決してド暇なわけではありません!?)

まずは、概要から。CBO(Congressional Budget Office)のサイトに出ていた23ページもののサマリーによると、"Energy and Water"に振り向けられる予算(期間は2009-2019の10年強)は総額で$48.9 billion(4.36兆円)。うち、$4.5 billionは陸軍工兵隊、$500 millionは内務省開墾局(という訳でいいのか?? the Bureau of Reclamation)の公共事業に宛てられ、残りの$43.9 billionが新エネ・省エネ関連。ちなみに全額、DoE(Department of Energy)の予算です。中身は以下の通り。
  • $18.5 billion for energy efficiency and renewable energy programs (including $6.2 billion to expand existing weatherization activities and $7.9 billion forenergy-related grants to states);
  • $8.0 billion to cover the subsidy costs of federal loan guarantees for renewable energy systems and electric transmission projects;
  • $6.5 billion for capital investments by certain federal power marketing administrations in electric power transmission systems;
  • $4.5 billion to modernize the nation’s electricity grid; and
  • $6.4 billion for various other activities.
  1. 送電線・送電網関係の公共事業費が結構デカイ。(3つ目+4つ目=$11 billion)
  2. energy efficiency and renewable energy programs(1つ目)とfederal loan guarantees (2つ目)の中身が謎。
というわけで、energy efficiency and renewable energy programs と federal loan guarantees の詳細を調べるべく、今度は、下院のwebサイトから、法案本文(下院可決版)に当たってみました。まず、Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energyの中身に当たる部分を、法案本文から抜粋。
  1. $2,000,000,000 shall be for expenses necessary for energy efficiency and renewable energy research, development, demonstration and deployment activities, to accelerate the development of technologies, to include advanced batteries, of which not less than $800,000,000 is for biomass and $400,000,000 is for geothermal technologies.
    ―省エネ・再生可能エネのR&Dに$2.0 billion、うち$800 millionはバイオマス、$400 millionは地熱利用技術に―
  2. $500,000,000 shall be for expenses necessary to implement the programs authorized under part E of title III of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6341 et seq.).
    ―the Energy Policy and Conservation Actで承認されたプログラムへの予算拡充のようですが、詳細不明です。―
  3. $1,000,000,000 shall be for the cost of grants to institutional entities for energy sustainability and efficiency under section 399A of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6371h-1).
  4. $6,200,000,000 shall be for the Weatherization Assistance Program under part A of title IV of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6861 et seq.).
  5. $3,500,000,000 shall be for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants, for implementation of programs authorized under subtitle E of title V of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (42 U.S.C. 17151 et seq.).
  6. $3,400,000,000 shall be for the State Energy Program authorized under part D of title III of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6321).
  7. $200,000,000 shall be for expenses necessary to implement the programs authorized under section 131 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (42 U.S.C. 17011).
  8. $300,000,000 shall be for expenses necessary to implement the program authorized under section 124 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 15821) and the Energy Star program.
  9. $400,000,000 shall be for expenses necessary to implement the program authorized under section 721 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16071).
  10. $1,000,000,000 shall be for expenses necessary for the manufacturing of advanced batteries authorized under section 136(b)(1)(B) of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (42 U.S.C. 17013(b)(1)(B)):
既存予算の拡充が多いようです。それぞれどういった予算かまでは、調べてる時間がありません。スイマセン。額でみると、断熱化助成プログラムの拡充(4.)が一番大きくて$6.2 billion。地方政府への補助も同様に大きく、5.と6.の合計で$6.9 billion。また、広い意味でのR&Dに当たるのではないかと思われる予算(1, 3, 10)の合計は$4.0 billionになります。

また、$8.0 billionのfederal loan guaranteesについてですが、これは、"the Energy Policy Act of 2005"のsection 1705に基づく"Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program"として承認を受けたプログラムへの政府保証の拡充に使われるとのこと。これも引用元を調べないことには詳細はわかりません…。


かなり乱暴ではありますが、敢えて"green stimulus"を一言でまとめるとすると、「一に送電網、二に断熱化、三に地方補助、四にR&D(特に蓄電池)」といったところかと。いい勉強になりました。はて、宿題やんないとね…。
Maxwell, Syracuse, Feb. 3, 17:13

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