英語版Wikipediaの“Economics”の項(小見出しとしては“Criticisms of economics”の下)に、気になる記述があった。Wikiから直接引くのは禁じ手かなぁとも思いつつ、手元に残しておきたい一節なので、引用させていただくことにする。
Economics per se, as a social science, is independent of the political acts of any government or other decision-making organization, however, many policymakers or individuals holding highly ranked positions that can influence other people's lives are known for arbitrarily using a plethora of economic concepts and rhetoric as vehicles to legitimize agendas and value systems, and do not limit their remarks to matters relevant to their responsibilities. The close relation of economic theory and practice with politics is a focus of contention that may shade or distort the most unpretentious original tenets of economics, and is often confused with specific social agendas and value systems. Notwithstanding, economics legitimately has a role in informing government policy. It is, indeed, in some ways an outgrowth of the older field of political economy. Some academic economic journals are currently focusing increased efforts on gauging the consensus of economists regarding certain policy issues in hopes of effecting a more informed political environment.具体的にどういう方法で以て…というような正確な理解をすっ飛ばした、非常にざっくりとした感覚として、僕の頭の中には、social scienceとしてのeconomicsが、practicalなpolitical actsに、直接貢献できるかのようなイメージ/幻想があった。上の一節(の前半部分)は、その点を明確に示してくれていて(“Economics per se, as a social science, is independent of the political acts of any government or other decision-making organization”)、個人的には頭の整理に役立った。
my home, Syracuse, May 12, 10:35
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